Health and Safety Environment

Welcome to CITIUS Health and Safety Environment

CITIUS is committed to ensure implementation of Health and Safety by providing a safe working environment and healthy workplaces. Main umbrella for this implementation is Regulation Act no 1 year 1970 (Undang-undang no 1 tahun 1970) – (Undang – undang Keselamatan Kerja No 1 Tahun 1970).

CITIUS believes that injuries and work related ill-health can be prevented. On these pages we describe how Health and safety is managed in the company and there are links to Policy of Health and safety environment.

We stand for an efficient system to manage and control risks and our work. Our employees are aware and encourages to actively contribute and participate in the development and implementation of Health and Safety environment.

Work-related stress shall be handled and work-life balance is encouraged. Work-places and -processes shall be ergonomically well designed and well-functioning to prevent ill-health or injuries to occur and in the Health section this is described as is the managers responsibility for the employee wellbeing.

Our Health and safety described how Zero Tolerance Safety Rules shall be interpreted and implemented.

Health and Safety knowledge and competence development and training opportunities are seen as a natural part of individual and team development.

Warm Regards,
CITIUS Management